
Freelance artist

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A close up or a disembodied shot of your characters face/head
flat: $20
shaded: $40
Symmetrical or asymmetrical

A shot of your character to the bust/occasionally a little lower
Flat: $40
shaded: $60

half body
A character shot that extends to the waist or the thighs of the character
flat: $50
shaded: $70

full body
A full shot of your character
flat: $70
shaded: $100

sketch page
one half body, one goof doodle, and a headshot
flat: $90
sketch page can be altered for additional money, if you wish to add extra pieces to your page such as a full body or an extra headshot, add the price of that item to the already placed value of the basic page.

My ref sheets will always feature the option for some kind of customizable aesthetic, and are almost always interchangeable if featuring more than just a full body.
By interchangeable, I mean you are free to alter the layout of how I work on my refs under the guidelines that it still has its original features, or at least the equivalent.
You are always free to request I attempt a specific style of sheet as long as it fits under the minimum-maximum requirement of items for the ref you are interested in (ex: the visual difference between a one off, mini, and small)
**the pricing of my ref sheets is based off what they are comprised of, how complex the design is, and how complex the pose is. Every upgrade in complexity of design is $10 the original price, hence the style of pricing visual here!

Features a single full body with optional design and color notes.
start at $50 for a static pose, an additional $10 is added if the pose is complex.
Price will change with the complexity of the design, ranging from $50-90

Features a full body and a any view head OR any visualized note of design for the character (back markings, optional design elements, etc)
starting at $70, price will adjust if the pose is considered complex ($10).
price will change with the complexity of the design, ranging from $70-100.

Features a full body and 2 slots that may either be occupied by busts or chibis, or either interchangeably.
starting at $90 price will adjust if the pose is considered complex ($10).
price will change with the complexity of the design, Ranging from $90-130

Features a front and back facing full, a headshot, and an expressive chibi full.
starting at $120, price will adjust if the pose is considered complex ($10).
Price will change with the complexity of the design, Ranges from $120-160

features a full body, a large headshot, A torso only back, a chibi full, and 3 chibi fulls to display outfits and accessories.
Starts at $130
ranges from $130-170
for an extra $30, I will replace the torso shot with a proper back view, like one of the examples you can find in my design examples section.
Used example is a simple design

includes 2 full bodies one front one back, a pocket of items and interest related icons, 3 expressions, 3 chibi fulls for extra outfits, accessories, or different body views, and an extra chibi featuring an item in action or expressing personality.
Starting at $150, pricing adjusts based on design complexity, capable of hitting up to $300 for extremely complex designs, poses, expressions, and outfits. The choice of having a dynamic backward pose affects pricing.
These will most likely not have a quick turn around time, be mindful of that.
designs come in varying degrees of complexity and difficulty to create or draw, so here’s a general guide to certain aspects of a design that affect of hard it is to either bring to life or to replicate. The designs below may not depict every aspect of what makes a design of that level, but they hold a few to note.

Simple pallet, patterns, and character premise.

Explores gradients, more color, and more notable design pattern. Accessories are usually present

More detailed clothing or accessories, further detailed patterns, species, the variety of color pallet, texturing, etc

very complex
Vast variety of patterns, texturing, gradients, species, the variety of the pallet, distinct visuals, choices of accessory or clothing, etc

The following rules are organized into sections, such as price, will's and wont's, artwork, designs, and commissioner etiquette. If you plan on commissioning me, please read this all the way through. My TOS is subject to change.
To contact me for a commission, use any of the social links in my carrd.-

-My commission prices are not negotiable.
-i only accept payment through PayPal, Venmo, and cashapp-I only do payments up front, if that makes you uncomfortable, I’m sorry! Feel free to take a peek at my reviews or research me if it makes you wary.-if you complain about the way I price my artwork, I will not do business with you.-to add an extra character to an artwork, I charge 50% the original price.-i am have A tax for armor, mecha, weaponry, or vehicular elements in my work due to the detail required to execute them well. I charge an additional $10 for characters in armor and or wielding a weapon, and an additional $20+ for vehicles or detailed mecha/guns. the price is open to fluctuation depending on the level of complexity I’ll be working to execute, please take note of that!-if you are using my work for monetized purposes, I charge 100% of the original price.-my prices are not constant, they are always subject to change.-if you want your artwork done quicker, I'll charge a $10 fee to have you prioritized, same goes if you want the art to have a deadline of within the next few days, unless I offer first or I seek you out first (ex, me replying to a “LF artist” type post)-

Artistic nudity
ship art
All species
gore or heavy gore
implied nsfw
hyper body parts
proship related
Fetish, even if it's sfw
romanticized Abuse

-please credit me whenever you use my artwork on your profile or page.
-please do not use my art for monetized purposes without permission, that needs to be mentioned.-do not claim my art as your own-i may use your piece and its progress for posts, portfolio, and patreon unless you ask otherwise!-

-you can edit my designs, but do not turn them into something completely new.
-you can make different species alterations of my designs.-please do not sell the design for more than it's worth unless it has extra artwork, be that done by you or someone else.-

-please do not ask for constant updates, I have school and a personal life outside of your commission.
-please be very communicative, don't be vague on what you want and then be upset with me if I didn't get it right.-let me know every detail of the commission before I start so that I may price it correctly. Don't tell me they have armor when I'm already half way done with your finalized sketch and you've already paid.-i always take payment before I begin, I dont work until I receive the money.-im willing to hold slots for future commissions, if im closed, you will be put on a waitlist. if i am open but you don’t have the finances or if you want to save a space, your slot will be marked as reserved. with waitlist you will be updated on when i am open to take commissions again, reserving gives you an automatic slot for when i am open or when you have the money to commission.-if you are already taking a commission slot, the most I will wait for you to collect payment is 2 weeks, unless the commission is particularly large. I am open to negotiation of needed.Don’t be afraid to ask for as many changes as you need, you are paying for my work and I’d love to deliver exactly what you want. All I ask is that you’re reasonable with your requests, I can’t change every tiny little thing or the entire identity of my style for you!


puppitoys || TWITTER"Working with Rotte was a phenomenal experience! Communication was amazing and I felt comfortable talking with them! They sent WIPs, were happy to change things at request, and delivered the final product all in wonderful time. Absolutely will be going back to commission them again!"

sugar || INSTA"Rottetotte was an absolute pleasure to commission! I got to see every step of the process, which I really enjoy for the sake of updating. It’s also nice to see how others create. Overall, I am very satisfied with the way my commission came out. The rendering is absolutely beautiful and I can tell she really did her best to capture my character. Highly recommend!"

mutasangel || INSTA
"well, i absolutely love it. You captured his vibe and essence perfectly and your art style is like GORGEOUS!! and you have the fastest turnaround time ive ever seen! i would easily commission you again, 1000%"